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Some more about me :)




My name is Clara Morcos.

I was born on 11/04//2003 (I'm 20).




My school career:



I did a general bac, specialties LLCE (Language, Literature and foreign cultures: English) and SES (economical and social sciences)


I then did a year of "prépa artistique (preparation course in art) at l'Atelier de Sèvres, in Paris, option Graphisme/Illustration.


I'm currently a 2nd year student at CY Ecole de Design, in Saint-Germain-en-Laye.






My hobbies:



I love (reaaally much) music and to dig deeper in the sub-culture the genres come from (hip-hop/punk/goth/etc). I find it really inspiring.


Soon, I plan on creating clothing from material recovery.


I also love to draw, paint, animate, play piano, travel et learn about the cultures of countries I don't know.






Contact me:



Tel: 06 03 76 89 16








My resume:

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